Build & Inspire

A “hands-on” event that offers participants an opportunity to build pieces of assistive technology with materials commonly found at local stores. It could cover the broad spectrum of low tech to high tech solutions or focus on either.

Length: 4 hours

Gadget Geek

A session in which attendees get acquainted with a variety of low and high tech products that are commercially available and address problems commonly faced by people with disabilities.

Length: 2 hours


A session focusing on commercially available products that address a specific area of concern (for example, ensuring safety and security, or promoting independence in daily living).

Length: 2 hours

Think Tank

A session consisting of facilitated discussion around how assistive technology can address issues/priorities identified before the event by organizational leaders.

Length: 2 hours

The 9-Step Guide to Success

A session in which providers learn about a tried and true framework that facilitates the successful implementation of assistive technology in organizations (from basic structure to assessment to funding).

Length: 2 hours

With a Magnifying Glass

A consultation session that includes an in-depth discussion of how assistive technology could benefit specific people served, an assessment, on-site visit, and team meeting.

Length 1-4 hours per person.

What do THESE services cost?

Our base consultation fee is $500.00 per day (8 hour maximum). Additional expenses include:

  1. A per person fee for the ‘Build & Inspire’ event (for supplies).

  2. Travel expenses for consultations out of the area (flight/mileage, hotel, meals)