Title: Comprehensive Data Sets for Assistive Technology Goals
Session Description: Assistive technology interventions are only as good as the supports provided for successful implementation. This session will give insight on how to write comprehensive and achievable supports to ensure the person is successful with their devices. We will look at creative data sets to monitor progress and improve AT supports, that can be generalized to all person-centered goals. We’ll also showcase some innovative technologies that have helped people increase their independence.
Speaker Bio: Krista Opstedal has worked with people with disabilities for over 12 years. In 2013 she built the Coordinator of Assistive Technology position at Kalix from the ground up. The position started as an in-house assistive technology program, responsible for researching and developing individualized assistive technology supports. Since the program’s inception, Krista has grown it to include sensory integration for those who are aging and on the Autism spectrum, and her greatest passion; empowering people with disabilities to understand and advocate for their rights. Krista leads several advisory boards and committees and is an experienced speaker at regional and national conferences. During her free time, you can find Krista listening to Hamilton and Photoshopping her kids and cat, Tuna, into a variety of bizarre scenarios.
Member: $25.00
Non-Member: $20.00
CEUs: We will be offering CEUs for this event.