Title: What’s Next for I/DD Service Delivery and Payment Models
Session Description: This session will provide an overview of efforts to prepare I/DD agencies to understand and adapt to a landscape that includes non-state payers and is outside of the traditional fee for service (FFS) reimbursement model. States are increasingly looking to alternate payment and management structures for HCBS services, including I/DD services. I/DD service providers are often unfamiliar with the culture, values, language and expectations of non-state payers. Even while state systems remain in a FFS structure for I/DD services, agencies need to be actively engaged in learning about essential competencies that will be necessary to continue to provide their mission-based services in a new landscape and taking steps to prepare their organizations to continue to grow and thrive. This session will share strategies for shifting I/DD agency attitudes from resistance to new payer models to seeking to become informed and educated about them so that they can be as impactful and influential as possible in shaping the future of their state’s I/DD system. We’ll discuss how recent societal trends have impacted I/DD service delivery and what possible long term effects may shape the future for I/DD organizations.
Key Themes
Emerging payer, service and business models in the I/DD system
Readying I/DD provider organizations to survive and thrive in alternate payer systems
The impact of COVID19 on I/DD organizations, service delivery and plans for the future
Speaker Bio: Kathy Carmody is the CEO of the Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities, Illinois’ largest association exclusively devoted to I/DD community provider organizations. (Institute)
Kathy has over 35 years of experience in the Illinois and national I/DD arena, including leading research, demonstration and training projects which substantially improved the nature and quality of services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kathy has also held direct support, clinical and executive management roles within community agencies. At the Institute, Kathy is involved in a wide array of policy and practice issues affecting people with I/DD and serves on and leads multiple committees and task forces impacting the I/DD service system.
Kathy co-chairs the ANCOR Alternate Payment Model (APM) workgroup (ANCOR Report), co-chairs the CQL/Mosaic/Institute national SME team that authored Building the Framework for I/DD Quality Measurement (Building the Framework) and led the Illinois state team in the Business Development Learning Collaborative (BDLC) as part of the NASUAD Business Acumen Center (HCBS Business Acumen Center).
Kathy is a frequent presenter at the state and national level on an array of topics impacting the I/DD service system, including quality metrics, alternate payer models, preparing community agencies for success in a changing landscape, national trends in I/DD services and person centered planning and practices.
Kathy has a graduate degree in Social Service Administration and Policy from the University of Chicago and is a graduate of the National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities at the University of Delaware.
Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $25.00
CEUs: CEUs will be offered for this webinar.