Title: Assisting People to Make Better Decisions: Strategies for Success
Session Description: Like all of us, people with disabilities frequently need help with making decision in life. While supported decision-making (SDM) is becoming more recognized as an option, guardianship is still the most common option considered and used in practice. Supporters are often not clear on the difference between different support options or how to use the principles of SDM in the day to day lives of people with disabilities. This session will clarify critical information about decision-making support options and explore practical strategies for working directly with people who have disabilities to develop the skills and experience needed for better decision-making. The presenter will identify and explore key concepts that can be used as practical guidance when assisting people with disabilities.
Learning objectives: Participants will
· Describe the different approaches to decision making support.
· List potential benefits and concerns for each type of support
· State the most important elements of informed decision-making
· Explain the essential responsibilities for providing support to people with disabilities
Speaker Bio: Tina M Campanella has been the Director and Chief Executive Officer of Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities, an independent advocacy and monitoring organization in Washington DC, since its inception in 2002. She previously worked with the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) prior to assuming leadership at Quality Trust. She has over 40 years of experience working on behalf of children and adults with disabilities in many different capacities. She is acknowledged as an exceptional thinker and leader with expertise in program development, person-centered approaches and service quality management. Most recently she has also led the creation of the National Resource Center on Supported Decision-Making and has travelled the country promoting dialogue on improving decision-making support for people with developmental disabilities.
Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $25.00
CEUs: We are pleased to inform you that 1 continuing education hour(s) (CEs) are approved for the above training event(s) for the following licensed professionals: • Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor • Licensed Clinical Social Worker • Licensed Nursing Home Administrator • Licensed Professional Counselor • Licensed Social Worker • Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse & Advanced Practice Nurse. Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals (QIDPs) may apply the same hours of continuing education units earned from this conference toward their twelve hour annual continuing education requirement.