Title: Empowering Abilities through Technology with Low Cost Assistive Technology Solutions
Session Description: Assistive technology is all around us and many of these tools available for little or no cost. This session will explore such assistive technologies commonly used at Donka, Inc. - a non-profit organization located in Wheaton, IL - that provides computer training and job readiness services to persons with disabilities. These tools enable users to complete tasks more quickly, easily, or independently in a variety of settings - from home to work to the community.
Speaker Bio: Sam Moore is Donka’s Program Manager. Donka is a non-profit organization located in Wheaton, IL, that provides computer training and job readiness services to persons with disabilities. She has a Microcomputer Specialist Degree with an emphasis in Microsoft Office and programming. Sam has a passion for working with technology and individuals with disabilities.
Member: $20.00
Non-Member: $25.00
CEUs: We will be offering CEUs for this event.